Monday, August 6, 2012

Cell Phone Wallets

So I found this fun tutorial while cruising around various links in Flickr; it's supposed to be for Christmas gifts, but I just had to try it when I found it! Check it out here.

Once I realized that instead of putting a notepad in the right pocket, I can fit 2 different cell phones... well. I'm making one for each of my female coworkers for work and home cells.

Here are the first 2:

The front...

The backs...

Inside of the apple one - my boyfriend pointed out that an iPhone should go in the left pocket, and asked if it was intentional! ...obviously not.

And the inside of the linen. I gotta say, I  can't decide which one I like more. The apple one is so bright and colorful, but how cute is this applique? In real life, the background of the appliqued creatures are very close to the color of linen. My first try at machine applique btw, which I think went pretty well. What do you guys think?

I have to make atleast 2 more, possibly three- I have one other coworker, want to send one for Dana in her care package, and maybe even one for me! I also worked on organizing my fabric this weekend; what colors should I make the remaining wallets?

Linking on Fabric Tuesday (Quilt Story) and WIP Wednesday (I have two more to make, after all!) (Freshly Pieced).


  1. You are on a cell phone case making spree!!! Enjoy your sewing time! They are pretty nice!

  2. Lovely little cases. I like the apple fabric .

  3. Love those little cases, I have a small addiction to making cases for every appliance I own ;-)

  4. These are cute! The apple/pear fabric on the outside of the first one is my favorite, I've got apples on the brain just now, but I really like the little bear applique peeking out on the second one. I feel like he's saying to me, "Do you really need to be checking your e-mail again?"

  5. It all comes down the design of the case. A cell phone wallet case isn't just about carrying your phone. If you don't have room for all of your essentials, you're going to end up carrying another wallet or folio to keep your things together. Equally important is a case that can hold your particular type of smartphone securely and easily.

    Head Case Designs
